sob stories

美 [sɑːb ˈstɔriz]英 [sɒb ˈstɔːriz]
  • n.(目的在于引起同情或怜悯的)伤感故事
  • sob story的复数
sob storiessob stories

sob stories


  • 1
    N-COUNT (意在博取别人同情的)诉苦,伤感故事
    You describe what someone tells you about their own or someone else's difficulties as a sob story when you think that they have told you about it in order to get your sympathy.

    Any sob story moved Jarvis to generosity.


  1. By tracking people 's e-mails and online posts , scientists have found that good news can spread faster and farther than disasters and sob stories .


  2. And lots of " Dear Abby " sob stories ...


  3. And lots of " Dear Abby " sob stories
